Author Archives: admin

All about our FUN-raiser and Why we need your help!

Our 2013 Shakespeare workshop was SO MUCH FUN, and our students learned so much!  Not only were they speaking and performing Shakespeare like pros by the end of the workshop, they were applying what they’d learned into homework and writing … Continue reading

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Making movies in Waco

What better way to spend spring break than making short films with some stellar Waco Civic Theater students?  We had a great time and we’re super proud of these kiddos! Check out our 4 short films: written, filmed and edited … Continue reading

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The Good, The Bad, and The Janitor: The Trailer

It’s here!  The 2013 Summer Make a Movie Workshop film, The Good, The Bad, and The Janitor is through post production and DVDs will be going out to our participants next week.  We are so proud of these kids!  What … Continue reading

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Working With Animals and Children…

The infamous W.C. Fields is credited with saying (of Show Business), “Never work with children or animals.” Well, this past summer, The@trics did both. And it was AWESOME. Our Pet Plays Festival was a weird and wacky weekend of new … Continue reading

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The Pet Play-ers!

Well, the Pet Plays are almost upon us and doggone it, we think they are the cat’s pajamas! We’ve been busy as beavers over here and inquiring minds reminded us that we’ve been a little bird-brained, since we haven’t put anything … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday to Thee!

Yesterday, our Shakespeare Workshop celebrated a very special day – the 449th birthday of William Shakespeare…as well as his 397th death day. Well, at least we think it was his birthday. Although it could be today, as Shakespeare was baptised … Continue reading

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The Shakespearean “Dream” Team

Despite not having real fairies, the things happening in our workshop the past two weeks feel like magic! After a round of “jump in and go for it” auditions here at NAU-Yavapai, we have our version of A Midsummer Night’s Dream cast … Continue reading

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[Item Not Found]

Well, thrifTheatre is officially done! Our last two shows were a phenomenal way to go out – and our wonderful cast, crew, and group of CCJ volunteers stuck around, despite the long day and the uncertain road conditions, to help us clean … Continue reading

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Snow Business Like Show Business

Well, here at the The@trics Headquarters, this is what we woke up to this morning – The The@trics Weather Division is forecasting some occasional snow throughout the rest of the morning and a few flurries this afternoon and evening. However, … Continue reading

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The Theatre Baby

Break out the candy cigars, because after nearly 14 months of gestation, our theatre baby has been born! At just a hair under 2 hours long, thrifTheatre came into the world last night right at around 7:41pm (Yeah, yeah, I had some … Continue reading

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