For our third installment of our item countdown (drumroll, please), we present to you –
thrifTheatre item: Blue plastic piggy bank
- Inspired the play “The Cabin Incident,” written by Adam Simon
- Directed by Don Langford, with Kimberly Dana, Justin Dennis, Paul Epoch, and Fred Lloyd
We found this item so very fascinating. There may be a lot of hams in theatre, but this fella here is quite different. Even though he is not the most ornate piggy bank ever, this little guy is truly unlike any other I’ve seen, with his segregated sections for budgeting your money. In a time when lots of people are thinking long and hard about where and how to spend their money…well, there’s this piggy. And while he isn’t going to market, or money mutual, or IRA, he does have the ability to do something that’s tough right now – and that’s to just…hold on.
And the play he inspired – “The Cabin Incident” – follows the story of a guy who is very much like this pig – holding on…to the past, as tight as he can. The play introduces us to Charlie (Fred Lloyd), his wife, Marnie (Kimberly Dana), and their son, Charlie (Justin Dennis), who have just arrived for a relaxing summer vacation in Charlie’s family summer cabin. The three of them literally come face-to-face with the past when a fellow camper from Charlie’s childhood, Trent (Paul Epoch), shows up – with memories and grievances from long ago, weighing heavy – and his eyes on a certain piece of blue plastic pork…
…but to go any further would give it all away! So if you want to see how it all turns out, be sure to nab your thrifTheatre tickets online over at Brown Paper Tickets or in person over at the CCJ Thrift Shop – at 442 West Goodwin Street here in Prescott. That’s right, we have a new ticket location! So cry wee-wee-wee all the way over to the Thrift Shop, get some tickets, and browse around for unique, interesting, and awesome items like this –
He promises you that, at thrifTheatre, you won’t be…boar‘d!